I am Abhishek Shukla

Name: Abhishek Shukla

Profile: Cybersecurity/Blockchain

Email: ashikla693@gmail.com

Phone: (+91) 7238919365


HTML 85%
CSS3 75%
C++ 40%
Bash 50%
Solidity 60%
About me

I am a curious and motivated individual with a passion for Cybersecurity , i can be found either rooting a device or finding a flag.:) I have taken it upon myself to study exploitation techniques and put my skills to the test as a CTF player. My strong understanding of web application security and my ability to identify and exploit vulnerabilities have made me a valuable asset in this field.

Participating in web exploitation labs,CTFs has not only honed my technical skills but has also allowed me to stay current with the latest security trends and techniques. I am eager to apply my knowledge and experience to real-world challenges, and I am confident in my ability to make a positive impact in the field of cybersecurity.


these are the domains that i am interested in -


"Cybersecurity is a fascinating field to me with a passion for exploring its various methodologies, such as Penetration testing, active - directory ,enumeration, exploitation , forensics, and cryptography. I strive to stay current with the latest techniques in the industry."

Web Development

"I am also a skilled front-end developer with expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript & React. I have a strong understanding of web development principles and the ability to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites."

Smart Contracts Security

"Recently, I have expanded my skillset to include smart contracts security, as a result i learnt Solidity and its testing framework 'Foundry' . I am actively learning and exploring the various features and capabilities of web3 security , I read a number of attack vectors , defi concepts and blockchain writeups"


Web-App pentesting

"I am deeply intrigued by the world of web application security and penetration testing , learnt through ctfs like - Hacker101, Portswigger and Pentesterlab The idea of being able to identify and assess the weaknesses and vulnerabilities within a web application is what drives my interest in this field."


"I write blogs in order to share my knowledge and to inspire others to explore the limitless possibilities of technology. Whether it's discussing the latest trends, exploring new tools and techniques, or offering insights into specific technology domains."


"Video editing is a fun side hobby of mine that allows me to unleash my creative side. I have a strong eye for detail and a passion for combining images, audio, and special effects to create engaging and captivating videos."

Github contributions





all projects & repos from my github.






web-Development /

Human error accounts for 95% of all data breaches


"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -Nelson Mandela


here you can read my blogs related to cybersecurity and Blockchain



Discover the reason behind the shift of threat actors to network attacks, understand the root causes of these types of attacks, and learn how to prevent them effectively.



Learn what is burpsuite and how this amazing tool is assissting seurity professionals in their day to day tasks,making things simpler for them.